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Showing posts from June, 2013


So............. Just days from now we will be on our way to Ocracoke Island to stay at our very own (completed) beach house!!!  Now my utmost desire is for us to actually VACATION there. However, my husband is not one to sit around even on vacation; just not able to relax much. He is a “Doer of All Things Well”.  Maybe we need to pretend like it’s not our house; that it belongs to someone else for a week so that we don’t obsess about all the details (such as making sure the ice maker is producing at stated capacity, listening for any and all hums, buzzes, vibrations, knocks, murmurs and other onomatopoeic sounds that an appliance can possibly make that aren’t normal.)  My hubby has Superman ears and will listen to any and all things not human to make sure everything is working correctly. Of course, I’m kind of glad he’s like that.  A freight train could hit our house and I probably wouldn’t notice. However his super human skills make it hard for him to relax. A...