I’ve been sitting out here at 10 Cuttin Sage on the screened porch for about an hour this morning having my coffee and quiet time with my Heavenly Father enjoying a cool, strong, and more humid breeze. The weather is changing and I can feel it in the air. A blue heron has been quietly and carefully tiptoeing (that’s what it looks like) between the marsh edge and canal edge pecking for his breakfast; hermit crabs, minnows, snails? I don’t know what these birds eat but I know those are what live along the canal and marsh. I photographed it from a distance, but when I tried to get closer, it flew quickly away, along with at least 2 other blue herons I hadn’t even seen yet. So I still don’t have a good photo of a blue heron to post in my blog. But at least NOW I know the difference between the herons and the snowy egrets. Here is the best shot I have right now of a blue heron. And this is as big as I can get the photo. Look hard! Anyway, ...