I just finished reading a book that changed my life. The only other book that has changed my life and is still changing my life is the Holy Bible, which I know with all my heart and without any doubt, is God’s infallible and immutable word to each one of us. This new book: The Insanity of God is by a pastor and missionary, Nik Ripken. In his book, Nik travels the world over a period of 15 years to interview people who are in the midst of being persecuted for their beliefs. He tells their precious and priceless stories to give them a voice and a testimony of their faith and strength and healing in the most dangerous, hopeless and darkest places on this planet: places where evil reigns, miracles are daily events (survival is a miracle), and persecution is expected and even welcomed as “seminaries” of growth and maturity. I was so appalled by their stories, that I felt sick to my stomach. Here I am, looking out my window at 2 acres...