In many ways it made perfect sense for me to lie flat-out on the grass in the middle of the garden and look up at a sapphire-blue sky and finally understand where all the color came from. Every childhood question like “Why is the sky blue?” “Why is the grass green?” ”Why do children color every sun yellow?” was finally answered in that moment of clarity. Ezekiel saw it… when the heavens were opened (just for him!) and he saw visions of God and high above the expanse of his vision was a throne made of…… .......Sapphire...... Why can’t the Son-light reflect off God’s throne and grace us with blue sky? Why can’t this glorious golden-yellow light blend with sapphire-throne blue and grace us with green-grass regeneration and rebirth? Children play with school paint and crayons and learn how color mixes with color and forms dramatically different colors in a miraculous sort of way. Why can’t God use the color of nature to show us…... .......Who He Is?.....