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Showing posts from October, 2017

Old Salt

A week after Hurricane Maria and we are here on the island, The Doer and I.  There was little damage here on Ocracoke, praise God..... some high water which got into our little storage shed under the house, but not into the Boathouse or main cottage.  We have close family friends in Puerto Rico (we call them our Puerto Rican family, and may even be a blog subject down the road) who's lives have been traumatized by the storm; through the decimation of their yards and gardens, power outage, fear of looting, etc. but we are very thankful that they are safe and well. This was a much needed vacation after another Summer of Aunt Blanche for me and an extremely stressful work season for the Doer. So thankful for a place to get away from the “worries of the world”. The week after a fall hurricane brings with it blissful weather and the Doer and I have been soaking up the sunshine and cool breezes. October is paradise here on Ocracoke Island. The doors and windows ar...