It’s a sunny morning here at 10 Cuttin Sage. But it’s been sunny every morning here this past week and then it clouds up and rains every afternoon and evening. So I’m thankful for the morning sunshine and I have learned to really appreciate it when I can. Right now, I’m sitting at the dining room table with the french doors open wide to the screened porch. The temp is comfortable enough to do that. There is a gaggle of seven geese outside on the canal. They float downstream; they float upstream; they float back downstream. Their honking sounds a little like European compact car horns. They seem to enjoy the area around our dock!
The seagulls, however, are the really noisy ones! They fuss and fume and argue like siblings fighting over the last cookie!!! Wildlife is very funny!
See how beautiful it is this morning????
I finished painting the screened porch yesterday. Now I’m waiting on delivery of a table and 6 chairs. I’m also waiting to put together 3 adirondack chairs for the porch, but I didn’t bring a screw driver (imagine that!). I guess I’ll borrow one from the neighbor.
It’s kind of hard to tell, but the porch looks so much better with a lighter color. It no longer competes with the view, like it did when it was a dark barn red color.
It’s kind of hard to tell, but the porch looks so much better with a lighter color. It no longer competes with the view, like it did when it was a dark barn red color.
It’s been so good to be here for a week to test out the house and make sure everything is ready for the first renters on May 18th. We discovered the hot water heater had a bad element (the hot water lasted for only one shower, but there are 3 people here) and got that fixed. We have a bad phone jack in the kitchen, so we’re waiting on that to get fixed. My daughter (who is a genius, by the way) got the internet hooked up, and checked all cable outlets. Bodo, the Golden Retriever, is testing the accomodations from a dog’s perspective. It meets his standards. Unfortunately for me, he happens to be shedding his winter coat this week. So the vacuum cleaner is really getting tested out!
Bodo, the Golden Retriever, enjoyed the Kentucky Derby on Saturday.
Bodo, the Golden Retriever, enjoyed the Kentucky Derby on Saturday.
We’ve fried bacon and eggs and baked brownies and popped popcorn and made fun island drinks in the blender and brewed coffee and washed dishes and did laundry. EVERYTHING WORKS!!!
Hubby comes tomorrow night and he’ll spend the rest of our time hanging blinds (FINALLY! I have been getting undressed in a dark bathroom at night), hanging more mirrors and artwork, and, I’m sure he has a list a mile long of stuff to do.
My daughter and her BFF rented a golf cart yesterday and took Bodo for a ride around town. I think they had fun. Yes, even with all the work to be done, we are HAVING FUN!
The golf cart adventure!
The golf cart adventure!
He looks like he belongs here!
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