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Trail Mix and Sheryl Crow

My hubby and I left home early Wednesday morning about 7:30 for the looooooooooong, loooooooooooooong drive to Ocracoke Island.  It was kind of nice being just the 2 of us this time.  Two days before we left, it was my birthday and one of my gifts from him was 4 tickets to a Sheryl Crow concert at a summer park festival this July.  Now, I’ve never been a Sheryl Crow fan- simply because I didn’t know much about her music; but now I’m a bit of a country music fan and I had mentioned to my hubby a few weeks prior that a concert in the park would be a fun thing to do.  Hence: 4 tix and 2 Sheryl Crow CD’s!

So we traveled across VA and down through NC eating trail mix and listening to Sheryl's greatest hits and a new album called “Feels Like Home”.  (She’s my new fave now and I can’t wait to see her this summer!)

The trip flew by because I had to listen to all the songs first just to get a feel for the music and then re-listen to really hear the lyrics.  

Country music is the best!!!!  Forget you, Josh Groban and Andrea Bocelli! How can you beat lyrics like “Thank God they make waterproof mascara, ‘cause it don’t run like his daddy did”.

Or how about, “Crazy ain’t original these days......What everybody use to call a freak show, now we call reality TV.”

Or Billy Currington’s “God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy!”

Or Brad Paisley’s “I’d like to check you for ticks”!  I could go on and on.
Anyway, you get the picture. Lyrics don’t get any better than that!!!!

OK, back to 10 Cuttin Sage:

So we arrived Wednesday evening about 5:30.  They’re still dredging the short ferry channel, so we had the loooooong ferry ride, too. But it was beautiful.  The past 2 days have been rather cloudy and dreary, which is good for my hubby, because he has an excuse to be a handyman and not have to go out and have any fun! (I’m really just kidding. Being able to fix things and tinker around with his tool box is his perfect idea of having fun and relaxation.  Today he and Fess are installing a new pump for the outdoor shower.  He’s having the time of his life!)

And I’ve been hanging out reading and writing!  Also my perfect idea of having fun and relaxation.  We’re both happy as can be!  I do hope to get to the beach and do some kayaking and bike riding together and this afternoon we will attempt to do some of those things!

I promised photos of the Knock Out roses and Mexican Petunias but, unfortunately the roses are barely blooming and the petunias haven’t started yet!  Guess it’s too early.

But here are a few:

I’m not sure I’ve photographed this before.  The fabric I showed early on in the blog. It was fabric that my Mom had purchased 30 or so years ago in St. Lucia. It made some pretty cool artwork!

I don’t ever want to forget Who makes all this possible. This is a shelf in the old family hutch in the dining area.

The hutch is the cottage library.  People can take one, leave one if they want.

This is an embroidery I did for my Dad for Christmas during my senior year in college.  My roomie could not believe I would get this done fall semester in time for Christmas!!! I did it!
It hung in his office for many years until his death and then Mom gave it back to me.  It hangs over the little living room mantel.

This blog started our as a marketing tool to promote our rental cottage during renovations.  It has certainly taken on a life of its own.................


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