I have the best husband in the world. No really, I do literally have the best husband on earth. In fact, I should get the trophy for the best husband on earth! Now, I know some women who would fight tooth and nail over who has the best husband in the world..... but I still think I’d win. My husband has more common sense than anyone I’ve ever known. He is extremely handy, well-organized, very talented, and is able to do absolutely anything he puts his mind to doing. And whatever he does, he does it correctly and to perfection. He is amazing to me, especially when I think back through our 30 years together and all we’ve done and been through together. Oh yes, I should mention that our 30th anniversary is next month! He was a dad who, despite having an extremely demanding work schedule, managed to make every sporting event, recital, awards banquet, school meeting, vacation trip, and activity that was important to our daughters. He...