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Showing posts from March, 2017

The Doer

I have the best husband in the world.  No really, I do literally have the best husband on earth.  In fact, I should get the trophy for the best husband on earth!  Now, I know some women who would fight tooth and nail over who has the best husband in the world.....  but I still think I’d win. My husband has more common sense than anyone I’ve ever known. He is extremely handy, well-organized, very talented, and is able to do absolutely anything he puts his mind to doing.  And whatever he does, he does it correctly and to perfection.  He is amazing to me, especially when I think back through our 30 years together and all we’ve done and been through together.  Oh yes, I should mention that our 30th anniversary is next month! He was a dad who, despite having an extremely demanding work schedule, managed to make every sporting event, recital, awards banquet, school meeting, vacation trip, and  activity that was important to our daughters.  He...

Back to Ocracoke

I feel a little...unfaithful...  I’ve been to Ocracoke twice and didn’t write about it.   In fact, I went for 2 whole weeks last September (a huge indulgence) AND spent New Year's there (a first) and.... no posts! We’ve even started a new reno project for this year... I just haven’t felt the desire to write.   Not sure why..... For starters, life has flown by and stayed busy, busy, busy.  And I think maybe I’ve overdone the whole sunset, porch- sleeping, seafood-eating, wine-drinking-on-the-dock-with-the- ducks kind of thing. There’s not much more to Ocracoke than that (oh, but how wonderful!) But now I do have the desire to update!   The 2 weeks in September were heavenly. First week was reconnecting with an old friend (by old I mean friend from back when we were birthing babies in church (well, in the hospital actually) and doing church stuff and pot luck fellowships together. Time and distance eventually pulled us apart but when this sweet friend l...

The Beekeeper

So... last summer I decided to become a beekeeper.  It just seemed like a cool thing to know, like, for the environment and stuff.   Actually I was driving down a street near my house about 2 years ago and saw a “Honey for Sale” sign out in the front yard of someone’s home.  I stopped because I love local honey (and its health benefits, of course).   When I knocked on the door, the owner of the house, Mr. Dodson, came to greet me.  He was 86 years old and had been keeping bees for about 30 years. He sold his honey every summer and was happy to see that he had a new customer.  He offered to show me his backyard hives.  I was fascinated by them and had never seen beehives up close and personal.  I caught the “bug” so to speak-- pun intended.  The next visit I actually donned a jacket and veil and he let me accompany him as he opened up one hive to do a hive check.  The buzzing of the bees was both startling ...