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The Doer

I have the best husband in the world.  No really, I do literally have the best husband on earth.  In fact, I should get the trophy for the best husband on earth!  Now, I know some women who would fight tooth and nail over who has the best husband in the world..... 

but I still think I’d win.

My husband has more common sense than anyone I’ve ever known. He is extremely handy, well-organized, very talented, and is able to do absolutely anything he puts his mind to doing.  And whatever he does, he does it correctly and to perfection.  He is amazing to me, especially when I think back through our 30 years together and all we’ve done and been through together.  Oh yes, I should mention that our 30th anniversary is next month!

He was a dad who, despite having an extremely demanding work schedule, managed to make every sporting event, recital, awards banquet, school meeting, vacation trip, and  activity that was important to our daughters.  He helped with school projects; not just for our kids but even neighborhood kids and school friends as well because he was a Doer of All Things Well and had a boatload of awesome tools that could do All Things Well in his workshop.  He helped with science projects, art projects and even made crosses for kids when their beloved pets died and needed to be buried.

He pretty much made all my dreams come true.  If I could think it, he would build it.  He built houses (2) to my dreams and specifications, he finished basements (3) to my dreams and specifications, he built retaining walls to my dreams and specifications, he built playgrounds to my dreams and specifications, and of course, he bought a beach cottage and had it renovated from far far away.  All these things were done while simultaneously running a successful business. And to top it off, he loves Jesus!

 And he still does make my dreams come true.

The predicament is, my husband is NOT married to the best wife in the world!  We are a good team but sometimes the relationship’s a little unbalanced. I like to read and binge-watch Netflix and take naps (and blog). I like to stop and smell the roses... and then the lilacs... and then the laurel... and then the lilies...  When he gets started on what all needs to be DONE (by me) in preparation for our Ocracoke work week: prepared for and gathered up and phone-called and note-written and shopped for and planned as we get ready for Ocracoke at 10 Cuttin Sage, I get sweaty palms, heart palpitations, mild panic attacks, and shortness of breath.  It’s because I can’t imagine all these things being done in a week’s time.  I previously wrote (2 posts ago) about our new kitchen island with the beautiful hand-painted Mexican tile that I chose for the top. Of course, we can’t find anyone to actually lay this beautiful hand-painted Mexican tile that I chose for the top which means The Doer of All Things Well is going to have to do it himself when we get down there.  It takes days to lay tile when it has to dry and harden and cure and be grouted and all that.  We don’t have unlimited days..... not when the house has to be cleaned, windows washed, a hot water heater replaced, dock boards repaired, and a window screen replaced.  

So while I look upon this trip with utter fear and anxiety (I mean, Ocracoke is for reading and watching sunsets on the dock and napping and having fun!), The Doer is charged up with excitement over a week of doing chores and repairing things to make them better. I wish I could be like that. Oh well, he’s hung in there with me for 30 years trying hard to make me better despite my anxiety and laziness and desire to stop and smell all the flowers....

maybe because I’m a Trophy Wife?????.........  

How I wish........



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