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Showing posts from 2019

Watching Water

2019 has been an eventful year so far, no doubt about that. I know there are lessons to be learned in it and I'm trying to figure them out. Our oldest daughter, The Teacher, married The Love of Her Life and we had a celebration that was pretty epic for our family on March 30. Although being surrounded by closest friends and family and having the time of our lives were blessings that don’t come around often in life, I was left totally burned out and exhausted like I never have been before. Maybe because I’m now 61??? I really don’t know. Anyway, it’s led me to have some blood work done and wait for results as well as do some things to work on myself such as seek wise counsel, and give up some activities that were probably adding stress that I don’t need right now, and not feeling guilty if I take naps now and then, and letting go of some perfectionistic tendencies, and practicing quite a bit of self-reflection.  Even though we’ve been “empty nesters” for quite some time and alread...