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Watching Water

2019 has been an eventful year so far, no doubt about that. I know there are lessons to be learned in it and I'm trying to figure them out. Our oldest daughter, The Teacher, married The Love of Her Life and we had a celebration that was pretty epic for our family on March 30. Although being surrounded by closest friends and family and having the time of our lives were blessings that don’t come around often in life, I was left totally burned out and exhausted like I never have been before. Maybe because I’m now 61??? I really don’t know. Anyway, it’s led me to have some blood work done and wait for results as well as do some things to work on myself such as seek wise counsel, and give up some activities that were probably adding stress that I don’t need right now, and not feeling guilty if I take naps now and then, and letting go of some perfectionistic tendencies, and practicing quite a bit of self-reflection. 

Even though we’ve been “empty nesters” for quite some time and already had one married daughter, I think this wedding solidified the fact in a “hit me in the gut” kind of way. Our little girls in french braids and tennis shoes (and matching outfits, to their horror) really do not belong to us anymore and truly are completely, totally independent of us and don’t need our opinions at all unless it’s asked of us. I’m learning to respect all this and keep my mouth shut and it’s really not easy! Many lessons to be learned even at my age!

2 weeks after the wedding, we headed to Ocracoke for a week of rest. We were lucky in that we had a week of good weather which can be pretty unpredictable in April. I’m really excited because the wedding being on March 30 was just the right excuse not to have to go down to spring clean this year! We hired the rental company to do it for us! Dreams do come true!

So we could go in Spring and actually relax! 

We bought new pillows for the screen porch adirondack chairs on our trip down at the Cottage Shop in Nags Head  which were a really cute addition. We also bought 2 additional adirondacks for the dock (now 4 people can relax on the dock instead of just 2).The previous renters there the week before us had left rental bikes at the cottage which we kept and used all week. We walked and rode bikes every day and got some needed exercise which is always good for the psyche. We ate at SmacNally’s, Howard’s Pub, Dajio, The Flying Melon, and 10 Cuttin Sage (fresh fish grilled and eaten on the screen porch).

But most of the time, I just sat and watched water.... 

I watched it from the porch
and I watched it from the dock 
and I watched it from the upstairs windows 
and I watched it from the sound bulkheads on my walks 
and I watched it from the harbor 
and I watched it from the ferry
and I watched it from my bike rides to the sound. 

The watching of water does for me what the strongest drug can do. It is a tranquilizer of the finest grade. It is good for the soul.

Last week, we lost a very dear friend and went to “celebrate his life" on Saturday last. It was very sudden and totally unexpected to his family. He was one of the finest men I’ve ever known and he will be truly missed as was apparent in the packed church sanctuary. I could go on and on but I won’t. More lessons to be learned this year.

While there is much to be learned, I do know this: that my children never really belonged to me. They belong to their Creator who gave them to me for a season to raise and point them to Him. He owns all of us and we don’t really belong to anyone but Him in the long run even though we may think we are only answerable to ourselves. My Creator is also my Savior and Redeemer and I know that when I follow in my old friend’s footsteps, I will be united with my Savior (and my friends and loved ones who followed Him while on this earth). That’s good news!!!

Soon I will be leaving for Ocracoke for the annual family vacay and will be watching water again. 

I can’t wait to sooth my soul!

Here are some photos from April:

This is a tree by our dock in bloom. Not sure what it is but it sure is interesting!

  2 new kitties are hanging out next door at fish camp. We miss Becky and we didn’t see Mustachio and Pistachio. They seemed to have disappeared with Becky but kitties do still abound!

We found this arbor on one of our bike rides. It was pretty cute with the light fixture hanging inside and actually turned on during the day! This was at a house that we once rented (Dad’s Retreat) before we purchased 10 Cuttin Sage.

This is the evening we ate at 10 Cuttin Sage, a highly acclaimed eatery!

 Such a fun fence gate! 

Howard Street has some new street signs. See my previous blog posts for a photo of this tree a couple of years ago.

This is a great shell collection displayed on a back yard fence.

Fresh catch of the day at Smacnally’s on the harbor.

4 chairs now instead of 2.

One of my favorite houses on the island. This was a ship captain’s house built in the 1890’s. The front of it faces the harbor and I’m sorry I don’t have a photo of it. They say that a balcony on the upper story on the front of the house was blown off by the hurricane of 1939 and was never rebuilt. 

A small guest cottage on Howard Street. I wouldn’t let moss and vegetation grow out of my roof but it sure is quaint!

Gimpy graced us again with his presence. How comforting when things don’t change......

Me....watching water.


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