Today is Maundy Thursday. In case you haven’t heard of it, it is the day of Christ’s last supper with his disciples and the night He was betrayed. It represents a day of solemn reflection on the horrific sacrifice He made to take the punishment for our sins. There is a feeling of patient anticipation as we wait four days for the Good News of Easter Sunday when all hopes and dreams are fulfilled in His resurrection. I’ve learned lately that God often wants us to wait for things. Sometimes having to wait on God makes our longing for things ever deeper. Sometimes the waiting is agonizing. Sometimes the waiting brings tears and frustration. But always, if we allow it, waiting makes our faith ever so much stronger; and the bringing about of the thing dearly longed for is ever so much sweeter. As these interminably long days, when it seems like winter will neve r end, slowly turn into spring, we have proof that God always comes through for us no matter what. His an...