Wow. Three months since the last post! Life has been busy, once again moving two daughters into new places to live for the new school year, entertaining company, keeping up with housework and yardwork, etc. But all of it is good, praise God!
About mid-September, hubby and I took a trip to Ocracoke. The trip I took last year with my college roommate was so wonderful, that I just had to return this past September. This time my husband got to go, along with that same college roommate and her hubby, new September traditions.
Now, I’ve said many times before that my hubby is the Doer of All Things Well. My room- mate’s hubby is also a Doer of All Things Well. Hence, many projects were accomplished on this little September trip, the biggest one being a remodeling of the old outdoor shower. Before the remodeling, the shower was.......... adequate: it had hot and cold cistern water, a shower head and a hook or two to hang a towel on. It also had a door and siding that came up about shoulder height and corner cracks about the size of the Grand Canyon, with no roof. The neighbor’s upper deck has a perfect line of sight view directly down into the shower stall. I’m a little modest, so under no circumstances would I have EVER used that outdoor shower even with a bathing suit on! Fortunately, the neighbor’s house is under remodeling and there is no one living there at present.
Give two Doers of All Things Well a week off work, some power tools and beautiful weather and VOILA!, a new and improved, charming, adorable, fabulously private outdoor shower!
First, the old.....
Old shower photo #1. The shower is just off the boat house on the dock.
Old shower photo #2. You can see how it is attached to the dock house. The Doer of All Things Well did put a charming stone walkway over to it last year.

New shower photo #1! This is the new and improved shower. Notice the fantastic authentic (and working) porthole that we found at It was my hubby’s idea and it’s great! You can also see the new roof and the improved siding. You would have to be about 7 feet tall to see into the porthole!
New shower photo #2! Notice it is now divided with a curtain rod and curtain for extra privacy. The Doers of All Things Well also put a seat just inside the door to sit on for dressing/undressing. Also shelves were built inside to place soap, shampoo, etc.
About mid-September, hubby and I took a trip to Ocracoke. The trip I took last year with my college roommate was so wonderful, that I just had to return this past September. This time my husband got to go, along with that same college roommate and her hubby, new September traditions.
Now, I’ve said many times before that my hubby is the Doer of All Things Well. My room- mate’s hubby is also a Doer of All Things Well. Hence, many projects were accomplished on this little September trip, the biggest one being a remodeling of the old outdoor shower. Before the remodeling, the shower was.......... adequate: it had hot and cold cistern water, a shower head and a hook or two to hang a towel on. It also had a door and siding that came up about shoulder height and corner cracks about the size of the Grand Canyon, with no roof. The neighbor’s upper deck has a perfect line of sight view directly down into the shower stall. I’m a little modest, so under no circumstances would I have EVER used that outdoor shower even with a bathing suit on! Fortunately, the neighbor’s house is under remodeling and there is no one living there at present.
Give two Doers of All Things Well a week off work, some power tools and beautiful weather and VOILA!, a new and improved, charming, adorable, fabulously private outdoor shower!
First, the old.....
Old shower photo #1. The shower is just off the boat house on the dock.
Old shower photo #2. You can see how it is attached to the dock house. The Doer of All Things Well did put a charming stone walkway over to it last year.
Old shower photo #3.
Old shower photo #4. That’s me peeking into the stall. It’s obvious how un-private it is!
Now the new......
New shower photo #1! This is the new and improved shower. Notice the fantastic authentic (and working) porthole that we found at It was my hubby’s idea and it’s great! You can also see the new roof and the improved siding. You would have to be about 7 feet tall to see into the porthole!
New shower photo #3! Here is the side view showing the doorway into the shower and the extended siding up the front which is where the actual shower head is located behind the shower curtain. Notice the beautiful artwork that was salvaged from the canal off the dock. The Doers of All Things Well know the value of good artwork and know how to incorporate it!
New shower photo #4! This is looking out the porthole from inside the shower. One of the Doers is sweeping up after a hard day’s work! What a great view outside the porthole! How cool is that???
New shower photo #5! He needs a name........
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