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We were on the Island (The Doer and I) for 2 weeks at the end of September to beginning of October 2020.  We hauled my brother-in-law’s boat (named Big Fun) down for the 2 weeks and had the kids there the first week and then some good friends of many years there for the second week. There’s no need for details that have already been described in the blog numerous times before: wonderful food, sunsets, fishing, reading, relaxing, laughing, etc. I did a whole lot of sitting on porches (see past posts), reading, and watching scenery. I tried to get a few walks in at least the first week, but mostly sitting. In fact, I did so much sitting and relaxing that by Wednesday after we returned home, I found myself in the Emergency Room at our local hospital with blood clots so large that the doctors couldn’t believed I was still alive and walking around! Evidently, too much sitting still (also spent 2 days in the car traveling back because we took our time in Williamsburg, VA) is not really  a good thing. Thus more lessons were learned on that trip, too!

As I lay in the Emergency Room with all its activity, computers, needles, bags of fluids, beeps, concerned faces and lowered voices, etc., there really wasn’t much going on inside my head! I stayed blessedly ignorant of all things happening. What I felt was a peace that went beyond my human understanding but a peace that I knew was a gift from God. I only had 3 things going on in my head:

I knew I should be scared;

I knew I wasn’t at all well;

I knew that I was lucky to be living.

What I felt was:

I was in a good, safe place in a hospital;

I was safe in God’s loving arms no matter what happened;

I had the peace that “surpasses all understanding”.

I could stop this post right here. This is enough to know.

But I’ll keep going because it has been 4 months since all that happened and I feel good on blood thinners and more walking and I still feel the peace that “surpasses all understanding”! 

2020 was the pits, but God is always good even in the pits. I’ll have more blood tests done in a couple more months, and, God willing, I can go off the blood thinners and be promoted to baby aspirin. There is a genetic component to all this so our daughters have to be vigilant now. I am praising God for the embolism because I am safe and our daughters are now aware and can be safe in the future. more sitting too much on porches or on car rides!

We took a sunset cruise one evening out on the sound.

How’s that for spectacular?

This photo speaks for itself with the lighting and reflection of the canal in the Boathouse window.

Where we did a lot of sitting. Big Fun is in the background and is definitely aptly named.

The Mexican Petunias looked beautiful in the fall.

Another gorgeous sunset.

 This is Daisy, one of our favorite guests.                                                                 



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